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China's New Stealth Fighter Jet The J-20

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Although the J-20's forward stealth and range are impressive, its size could make it less effective as a strike fighter. The type of missions that Chinese pilots are capable of performing may determine the ultimate use of J-20. It could be used to strike at sea, which would make it more useful than an air superiority fighter.

WS-10/Taihang engine

China's stealth fighter aircraft, the J-20, was designed in Chengdu. In the future, it could be powered by a WS-10 engine. The country is also developing a WS-15 Turbofan engine, which could also be used in the J-20.

The WS-10/Taihang engine is China's first high-thrust turbofan engine, and is expected to match comparable US and Russian engines. Although the engine has been tested on J-10 aircraft by the Chinese government since 2011, it was not yet seen on a production plane until 2019.

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Twin-seat version

Chinese Global Times recently covered the benefits of a two-seater version of the J-20. This new type of aircraft could perform a variety of missions, including electronic warfare, the command of wingman drones, and even bombing. The J-20 twin-seat version would be more flexible than the current J-20 which is powered by Russian engines. It would also be able to gain air superiority without the need for ground-based pilots.

China has not yet accepted the single-seat J-20 into their service, but a twin-seat version would allow them to be more efficient. This aircraft may not be equipped with the most advanced weapons or systems of other fighters but it is expected to still be capable performing precision strikes.

Potential electronic jamming capabilities

The J-20 is an innovative stealth fighter that can also be used to jam electronic systems. It could also be equipped with an array of electronic warfare pods, including the EA-18G, which can work with both stealth and manned aircraft. You could also equip it with anti-radiation missiles such as Growler. In the future, the PLA may want to increase its electronic warfare capabilities and add more options to its existing capabilities.

The J-20 is slated to carry a variety of advanced electronic systems, including an active electronically scanned array (AESA), a chin-mounted infrared/electro-optic search and track sensor, and an advanced passive electro-optical detection system. These systems are expected to provide 360-degree spherical coverage of the aircraft and be comparable to those on the F-35. Additionally, the J-20 will likely be equipped with an advanced communications suite, allowing it to datalink with friendly platforms in service or in development.

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The fifth generation stealth fighter-jet Chengdu J-20, is part of China's modernization efforts. Its design emphasizes stealth and manoeuvrability. Many people have compared the Chengdu J-20 to the Lockheed Martin F-35. It is still in its infancy and has not been deployed on a large-scale.

The J-20 is a relatively expensive fighter, but more advanced fighter jets are becoming more popular. It is estimated that the cost of mass-production of this aircraft will run between 120 and 150 million U.S. dollars, and that is the bare-metal cost without flight and long-term maintenance costs. China's J-20 could alter Asia's geopolitical landscape in the near future.

China's New Stealth Fighter Jet The J-20