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US vs Soviet Union - An example of misinformation

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For many decades, the U.S.A. and Soviet Union were at odds in international affairs. Both nations have legitimate national interests. However, the Soviet Union's military might is more than necessary to defend those interests. The Soviet Union must abandon the principle of class conflict and establish a record that is consistent with its pledge. It must also reaffirm its promise to not use force to defend its territorial integrity.

Lessons from Cuba's missile crisis

While the Cuban missile crisis is considered one of the most dramatic in history, it has also been a case study in misinformation. A dominant narrative says that Kennedy won and Khrushchev was defeated, which is mostly false. This is based in a variety sources, including Soviet, American, Cuban and Soviet that have all been around for decades. The factual facts are clear that both sides suffered from misinformation, miscalculation and misperception during the crisis.

One of the most important lessons learned from the Cuban missile Crisis is that nuclear conflict is impossible to afford. All other lessons are important, but they pale in comparison with the consequences of reckless actions that could lead to self destruction. The threat posed today by weapons of mass destruction is real. The key players of 1962 were able to act with foresight, leadership and prevented a nuclear war.

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US vs Soviet Union - An example of misinformation