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Military Engineering Successes

helicopter drone

Military engineers are essential advisers during wartime. They are also responsible for clearing minefields and designing transportation systems that allow soldiers and equipment to be moved in and out combat zones. This career path can be very rewarding. Here are some of the most notable accomplishments of military engineers. This field offers many technical and engineering jobs.

They clear minefields

Two main ways military engineering can clear minefields are reduction and breaching. Reduction refers to the gradual destruction of an obstacle by a small force. While breaching involves the projection of large amounts of combat power over the obstacle. Area clearance involves eliminating the entire obstacle, preferably with the aid of synchronized combined arms operations.

Two people are needed to deploy the robotic vehicle: one to drive it and the other is required to check the outside gauges and cameras. The system can clear out a minefield over a mile. Although the system took more than 2 million to create, it is now fully operational.

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Military Engineering Successes