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Submarines of the Akula Class

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Submarines, a type warship capable of operating underwater for extended periods of time, are usually armed with missiles or torpedoes. They are used during times of war to strike at enemy naval vessels. They are also used for research and deep sea rescues.

The Akula Class submarine is a example of a submarine powered by nuclear energy that was produced and operated during the Cold War. It is the largest submarine class ever made and includes nine ships that can dive as deep as 70% deeper than their American counterparts.

These nuclear powered submarines are equipped with a nuclear power plant and can operate at a depth of up to 4,400 meters. They can travel at speeds up to 20 knots under water and 11 while on the surface.

TYPE 94/99 SIERRA CLASS (Project 941 Akula)

The sierraclass is a nuclear-powered attack submarine that was built by the Russian Navy. These submarines are equipped with a light and heavy titanium pressure hull that allows them to dive up to 520 meters. They also have the ability to reduce radiation and improve their resistance to torpedoes.

The submarine can be towable by a large, diesel-electric tug that can reach speeds up to 30 kph. There are many options for weaponry that can be fitted to these submarines. These include multiple-warhead submarine-launched missiles and tactical cruise missiles.

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They can also transport heavyweight wire guided surface and underwater target torpedoes, made in Germany and SM39 Exocet antiship rockets.

These submarines can support up to 4,200m depth underwater while under attack and have a total displacement weight of 15,900 tonnes.

The eight torpedo tubes are able to hold 18 heavyweight wire -guided surface or underwater targets torpedoes. They can be equipped with a range of weaponry such as mines or SM39 Exocet missiles.

INS Chakra 2 & INS Akula both have nuclear powered subs. They were designed by Russia to be used in the Indian Navy. These submarines are used to prevent Chinese ships from patrolling Indian Ocean waters.

India needs a fast submarine building program in order to defend its interests in International Waters. They must also develop surveillance capabilities to detect other submarines in Indian Ocean.

These submarines can reach their targets very quickly and are extremely fast. They are also very strong and can withstand high yield stress and hydro-static forces.

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They are normally manned by one or two crew, but can have as many as six or nine depending on which sub they are.

There are many sub-marine types, each with its own specific features and specifications. Some are personal submarines and others are submersibles for military or naval purposes.

Nuclear Powered and Armed Submarines are the most common types of submarines.

Submarines of the Akula Class