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Global Radar Systems Market

Military Tech

Global radar systems market growth is due to growing R&D in military simulation and rising defence spending in emerging economies. In 2017, the world's total military budget stood at US$ 1739 billion. Vayyar Image is developing new products to expand the market. These kits allow manufacturers to test 3D radar systems, and then determine the most cost-effective applications.


The airborne radar systems market is primarily driven by the growing demand for advanced airborne surveillance radars. Market growth is also being driven primarily by increasing military aircraft purchases and the development next-generation models. Airbus and the Indian Ministry of Defense have signed agreements to acquire 56 C-295 airplanes by 2021. Airbus' final assembly line will deliver the first 16 aircraft to Spain while the remainder of the 40 aircraft will be made in India.

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The market for marine radars systems is forecast to grow at a 2.4% CAGR during the forecast period. Many maritime applications have increased the use radar, including surveillance and weapon guidance. This technology allows you to detect stationary and moving objects, and it helps prevent accidents. The economic downturn affected the supply chain and manufacturing activities. However, the consumption of marine radar will recover once the economy stabilizes.


The Unmanned radar systems market report offers detailed information about the current developments and trade regulations. The report also highlights market opportunities through the development and sale of low-cost radars and miniaturized radar. However, the market for radar systems is expected to face key challenges in the future due to stringent trade regulations as well as new jamming technologies.


The market for land radar systems worldwide is segmented into North America and Europe. North America is the largest market in radar systems. Its share accounts for 38.8% of the overall land-based military radar market. Asia-Pacific was able to account for a greater portion of the land-based radar systems market. This can be attributed primarily to countries such as China, India, Japan, and India. The radar systems are especially important in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.


Global Space for radar systems is expected to grow at 10.1% between 2018-2022. The privatization of space exploration is expected to drive this growth. Private space flight companies are using space radar systems in increasing numbers, thanks to the government's growing support.

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Demand from the regions for radar systems

The radar sensor market is anticipated to grow at a high CAGR of more than 8 percent in France over the next five years, thanks to several factors, including the growth of the aerospace & defense industry in France, and increasing research and development activities in companies manufacturing military vehicles and special aircrafts.

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Global Radar Systems Market