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Real Life Super Soldier Programs

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Whether in fiction or real life, super soldiers are highly specialized, technologically enhanced soldiers who are capable of doing things that ordinary humans can't. Super soldiers can be made more powerful by using genetics and cybernetic augmentation. They can also be enhanced through surgical means, brainwashing, black magic, and other methods. These superheroes have super strength, heightened sensitivity to psychic signals, enhanced mobility, and other capabilities. They can be controlled by extreme training and often face other evil soldiers.

There have been numerous attempts to make super soldiers in the real-world. For instance, the Soviet Union tried to create a super soldier. Through the X-23 Program, they attempted to create a super-assassin. However, their experiment was a bust. They tried to sew Vision bits into the bodies of live human subjects, but this didn't work. They were eventually forced to stop their efforts.

The United States is also looking into the prospect of developing super soldiers. The Department of Defense has placed a high priority on off-the shelf components and technology. These offer huge cost savings and quick delivery. These technologies were developed by companies outside the military, and the Pentagon has made it a priority to use them. In fact, the DoD has even gone so far as to place a bounty on the heads of those who would dare develop a super soldier.

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Porton Down in the UK is known for its unethical human experimentation. The Order, an organization of superhumans who specialize in spec-ops operations in the UK is also available. These individuals are recruited by torture and augments. The Order is bound by a one-year contract.

The US Army is also looking into developing super soldiers. There are many studies that speak of super soldier technology. However, the Army has yet not taken the leap and integrated them into its wars against the Soviet Union.

While the US Army doesn't have any concrete evidence of super soldier technology, scientists have identified genes that could be exploited to replicate the effects. These genes enhance the oxygen carrying ability of blood and can be activated with specific techniques.

The most impressive of these technologies is the "Power Nullifier" which turns people with genetic mutations into virtually unkillable infantrymen. This is not a joke. It's a serious project. These people are also genetically unable to evolve. They will never age.


Strader Pharmaceuticals serum is another example of off-the shelf technology. While the serum may be a scam, it is also a dangerous gimmick that can cause body degeneration, paranoia and anger. This gimmick's benefactor is a mysterious benefactor who promises to pay Mal a substantial sum of money in order to collect information about super soldiers.

Another scam is Hive Mind, a psychic weapon. This is a fictional psychic weapon that the United States Defense Department has created. However, there are no real world uses for this weapon. The Disposable Superhero Maker on the other hand isn’t real.

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Real Life Super Soldier Programs