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New technology in warfare during WWI

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The advancements in warfare technology led to more deaths and destruction during WWI. An American soldier writes a letter explaining how more destructive warfare impacted his life. These technologies have a lasting impact on our daily lives and were used in other wars. This article will look at some of the latest technology that was created during World War II.


Early aircraft were used as reconnaissance and bombers. They dropped munitions behind enemy trench lines. Pilots had the ability to drop messages in weighted bag, which allowed them to communicate with soldiers below. On 9 September 1914, the Battle of the Marne saw the first message streamer drop.

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Sonar was first developed during the First World War to detect submarines. Sonar used electromagnetic waves to detect objects. This technology was later used to develop two-dimensional sonars, and also in the medical field. As a new technology, sonar required advances in engineering. Sonar evolved with new developments in electronics and computer science. This improved its ability to display and collect data. Sonar devices were standard equipment on ocean liners by the 1930s.

Communication equipment

In WWI, communication equipment came in many forms. For instance, the British Expeditionary Force had four wireless transmit/receive units. These were deployed to battle areas against the Imperial German Army in Belgium and France. One set was based in General Headquarters, and the other three were carried by cavalry units.

Machine guns

Machine guns are new technology from WWI, and they were used to kill rows of soldiers at once. These new weapons made wars much more complex. These new weapons also changed how soldiers fought, leading to massive casualties and town-level destruction.


The 1917 introduction of U-Boats from Germany was a significant turning point in the war. The new technology was expected to do a great deal of damage to the British and American forces. The German U-Boats didn't always perform as expected. Some of them were plagued by serious technological issues, rendering them unreliable.

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Aviation is a new technology in WWI, and the use of powered flight by the Allies was essential for winning the war. It was not a primary weapon of war but it was vital and used for reconnaissance. As aircraft got more advanced, it was used for reconnaissance and to supply artillery to the ground. During the Battle of Saint-Mihiel (September 1918), over 1,400 Allied Air Corps aircraft provided cover for Allied forces. Great Britain also learned that aircraft could be attacked by the air, which was a pivotal turning point in the Allied victory.

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New technology in warfare during WWI