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A Closer Look at Stealth Ships

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A stealth vessel is a vessel that employs stealth technologies to make it more difficult to detect. It hides the ship's existence from radar, sonar and visual detection. Examples of such vessels include the MV Ocean Trader and Cragside as well as Spearhead-class Expeditionary Fast Transports.

MV Ocean Trader

The US Navy stealth vessel MV Ocean Trader is a US Navy ship. The ship can carry 209 warfighters, and has enough supplies to last for 45 days. It can also recharge at sea and replenish up to four small craft. It also features a flight deck for helicopter operations, storage for Zodiacs, RHIB launch capability, and command and control. It offers food services as well as other amenities.

Rich took the concept to the Pentagon, where a Navy captain in charge of submarine research and development was working on the project. Rich convinced him to go ahead with the project despite his concerns about the cost. The ship was then dry-docked prior to its launch. The technology it demonstrated was applied to the radar and lower periscope cross section of a new class of destroyers.

MV Cragside

The US Navy is quietly converting a 633-foot cargo ship into a stealth helicopter carrier. Odense Steel Shipyard designed the ship and it can travel at 21 knots. The forward section has a two-bay hangar and the top has an additional flight deck. The top deck has wide openings for helicopter landings.

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Its design is similar the Point Class RoRo Ships used by United States Navy. The US Navy intends to convert the ship into a maritime support vessel, which can support at least207 people. The ship can be used for up to 45 days with a range of approximately 8000 miles. It will be capable of traversing 3000 nautical miles in Sea State 5 at speeds of up to 20 knots.

Corvette of MV Visby-class

The MV Visby-class corvette of the Swedish Navy is a stealthy vessel capable of attacking submarines or other targets. Its design is low-visibility, low radar crosssection, and a small infrared footprint. This stealth ship can carry an AgustaWestland A109M helicopter.

The Visby features a composite hull that is made of carbon fiber, vinyl laminated, and PVC. This composite material is approximately half the weight of steel with the same strength. This composite material also has enhanced radar-absorbing properties. It is difficult to detect using radar or infrared sensor because of its lower thermal signature.

MV Spearhead class Expeditionary Fast Transports

The U.S. Navy has the MV Spearhead class Expeditionary fast transportations, which are fast and maneuverable ships. These ships, which are low-draft and have high speeds, can be used for transporting heavy and lightweight equipment as well personnel. These ships can travel at speeds between 35 and 45 knots.

The ship was built by Austal in Mobile, Alabama, and christened the USNS Spearhead in September 2011. The ship passed acceptance tests in September 2012. In October 2013, the US Navy successfully completed operational tests for T-EPF-1.

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MV Sea Shadow

James Rich was the original designer of the stealthy-sea ship prototype, the MV Sea Shadow. He presented the design to a Navy captain, who was responsible in submarine research and development. Rich's idea was rejected by the captain, who feared it would be too expensive and slow down the ship. Rich responded to his objections, pointing out the advantages of stealthy performances. The US Navy also funded the prototype.

Sea Shadow started trials in 1985, but was still unarmed. It was intended initially as a demonstration vessel and testing platform. Later, plans were to add a huge radar to the ship's payload bay. This modification was delayed, however, and was never completed. Plans were also made for the ship to carry Patriot air defence missiles. These could operate in advance of surface ships.

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A Closer Look at Stealth Ships