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Zumwalt Class Destroyer to Receive Hypersonic Missiles

military technology 2021

US Navy Chief Of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday said earlier this year to USNI News that he intends to add hypersonic rockets to the Zumwalt destroyer type. This is his main goal for the future. The Navy is still deciding how to use the 155mm Anti-Submarine Gun System (ASGS) that are currently installed on the Zumwalt ships.

Zumwalt was designed originally to provide antiaircraft, antisurface and naval surface fire support for ground forces. This program was established as part the 21st Century Destroyer program. The program had the goal of creating a ship which could not be detected on radar. The ships would instead operate under cover of darkness. However, the Zumwalts' performance has failed to meet the original cost estimate. The cost is expected to be about $3.3 billion for each ship.

Zumwalt destroyer is a powerful ship designed to perform multiple missions as a stealth fighter ship. The deckhouse of the Zumwalt destroyer class is constructed from rugged lightweight composites. It has a low radar cross section and a reduced acoustic signature. It also has a Total Ship Computing Environment Infrastructure. This system allows integration of navigation, radar, communications, firefighting and damage control. It also provides surface search capabilities. An integrated multi-function mast is included on the ship.

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Zumwalt-class destroyers are built with the MK57 Vertical Launching System. This system allows for the installation of a wide variety of anti-aircraft and anti-submarine missiles. Modular electronic architecture allows for the installation of a wide range of anti-aircraft and anti-submarine missiles. This reduces the need for launcher control software to be modified for each new missile.

Advanced Gun System is also available for Zumwalt class destroyers. This system has been designed to increase the rate of fire, fire projectiles faster, and reduce operational crew heads. It will also provide a three-fold increase in the amount of naval surface fire coverage. The battery will be able fire rocket-assisted Long-Range Land Attack Projectiles with precision strikes.

Zumwalt destroyer-class ships have a significantly reduced radar crosssection. In addition to the reduced radar cross-section, the ship is designed to operate with a reduced acoustic signature and a low infrared signature.

An advanced automated damage management system allows the ship's firefighting and damage prevention functions to be performed automatically. This system also features integrated S-band and X-band radar capabilities. This system will automatically scan and detect surfaces and provide automated surface searching capabilities. Zumwalt AFSS will reduce the crew required to control damage.

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Two sets of hypersonic rocket tubes are expected to be used in the construction of the ship. The Hypersonic Cruise Missile Tubs (HCMTs), can travel at four times the speed sound. The tubes can be placed without extensive deck removal.

Zumwalt-class destroyers have a large electrical capability, which will allow for future laser weapons to be installed. The enormous electrical power of the ship will enable the use of electromagnetic railguns which can shoot projectiles directly without using gunpowder.

An Article from the Archive - Visit Wonderland

Zumwalt Class Destroyer to Receive Hypersonic Missiles