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Artificial Intelligence for the Military

military technology

As we approach the future, the military is embracing more advanced technology. These technologies include Drones, robots, and cloaking technology. Advanced technology in warfare is changing warfare. The global powers are training their military to take advantage of it. Artificial intelligence is just one example of this new technology.

Artificial Intelligence

With the recent advancement of AI technologies, some have argued that these systems are as dangerous as nuclear weapons. As such, proactive regulation is necessary to prevent exploitation and misuse of AI in the military. Russian robotic systems are, for instance, developed in accordance with technical specifications established by the Russian government. This type of regulation, however, cannot replace legal regulation. Legal regulation is mandatory for all subject matter, and not technical regulation.

It is crucial to have legal regulations in place for AI activities to give objective information to regulators and owners of AI. For example, legal regulations should specify the circumstances under which a system is to be stopped. Legal regulations should define the entities authorized to use military grade AI. Otherwise, these systems could fall into criminal hands.


Military robots, which can be remotely controlled and autonomously operated by remote control, are capable of performing a range of functions. They are capable of carrying out search and rescue, transport, and attack missions. These robots are valuable assets for the military, as well other organizations. They are also an effective way to protect and monitor troops.

uavs drones

The WASP drone is an example of military robotics. It is a lightweight remote controlled drone that can fly at low elevations. The US military uses it to perform surveillance and reconnaissance. A second application of robots is search and rescue. They can save lives. Many countries invest in this area in order to speed up response times and reduce casualties during wartime.

Artificial Intelligence for the Military