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Peresvet - A New Russian Laser Weapon


Peresvet, a Russian laser weapon, is new. It's named after Alexander Peresvet (a medieval Orthodox monk, and warrior), who was killed in a battle against Temir-murza the Mongol champion.

Russian air force will likely use the weapon to fight a variety threats. It's a point defense system that can track, shoot down, and even destroy satellites and aircraft.

It is expected to also "blind", or prevent the operation of sophisticated enemy systems. It is designed to work in conjunction with optical telescopes and space surveillance radars throughout the country, forwarding data for Peresvet laser combat troops.

Russia is the first to create a ground-based fully-functional laser system capable of blinding or dazzling satellites in orbit. It will collaborate closely with the Kalina, Sokol-Eshelon, and Kalina satellite dazzlers that have been in continuous development for years.

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Although there are many theories as to what the weapon will be used for, the primary goal of any laser weapon is likely to be to disable or destroy any target sensor. This is not the only way that lasers can be used, but it is the most common approach.

Lasers can be used to not only shoot down satellite sensors, but also to blind them and prevent their cameras or communications from working. These lasers can be used to prevent hostile parties from having access to the outer space environment.

It is believed that Peresvet can also be used for attacking enemy aircraft. This would give Russian air forces more lethal options, in addition to the current ones against many types of aircraft like the MiG-29 or F-22.

In 2018, President Vladimir Putin first announced the Peresvet. It is expected that it will be an air defense system that can track, shoot down, and even destroy, drones, rockets, and other aircraft.

It is not known what weapon it might be, but the chassis has been seen with a special wheeled frame. The same chassis is used to transport many other artillery/missile vehicles.

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This vehicle was found near Sibirskiy military town, Altai Region of Russia. YouTube video shows the Peresvet (or "overexposure") laser weapon slowly emerging from behind a fire and barrier.

Video also shows Peresvet firing multiple laser rays at once, and small amounts of debris being ejected from the weapon. However, it is doubtful that the Peresvet has any anti-aircraft weapons capabilities.

It is encouraging that Russia has begun to develop a laser system capable of defending against air-to-air weapons and other weapons. It will be an important asset in any Russian military campaign and will protect Russia against air to-air attacks.

This is a great development and something to study. The weapon will likely be in service by the time the next round of conflicts begins in 2022.

Peresvet - A New Russian Laser Weapon