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What are Directed Energy Weapons and How Do They Work?


Directed Energy Weapons use highly focused energy instead of a solid projectile to strike a target. Examples of such weapons are lasers or microwaves as well as sound beams and particle beams. These weapons can be used to attack personnel, vehicles, or optical devices. They can also attack biological targets like infected animal.

Raytheon Phaser is a phaser system

The Phaser system can be used as a directed energy weapon from either an aircraft or vehicle. It is capable of destroying various air threats such as missiles and helicopters. Ground targets can also be hit by the Phaser beam. The system can be used in a variety different roles, such as long-range ballistic defense and airborne near-air support.

The company has been collaborating with the Air Force in testing its direct energy weapons portfolio. Last year, Raytheon won two major contracts from the Air Force Research Laboratory. It has been testing the High-Energy Laser Weapon System and the Phaser high-powered microwave. However, the Air Force is yet to reveal the contracts' value, and there have not been formal negotiations.

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Raytheon's HPM system

After two untrained drones attacked Saudi oil production facilities, renewed interest has been given to the development of directed energy weapons. This attack proved that UAS can be used to defeat conventional air defense systems. Raytheon Technologies was one company that is advancing this technology.

Directed energy weapons are capable of targeting a target with high heat and a microwave that can disable the brain of electronic devices. The effect may be so subtle that the user may never even realize it took place. These weapons may also be used to provide intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and other functions.

Raytheon's HEL system

Raytheon's HEL system for direct energy weapons is designed to burn through drones and rockets in just two seconds. It is expected to be ready by 2021 for high power trials. As traditional weapons continue to be more costly, so is the demand for lasers that are low-cost and effective. The UK Ministry of Defence awarded the contract last year to the company to create a demonstrator.

The beam propagation problem was a challenge faced by researchers during the HEL system's development. The beam was distorted during its journey through the atmosphere, which led to a reduction in the beam's power. Localised heating added to the problem. HEL weapons were unable to penetrate clouds due to this.

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Raytheon's plasma-based MARAUDER System

Raytheon began to research a plasma-based directed energie weapon, the MARAUDER, in the early 1990s. This plasma-based weapon could fire plasma rounds at extremely high speeds. It had the potential to be highly mobile, and it could shoot down incoming missiles. However, very little information has been available about the project since mid-1990s.

These weapons use two primary types of energy: particle stream weapons and plasma-based systems. Plasma weapons emit subatomic particles, which damage targets in their path. The laser designator used to create particle stream weapons can be used to aim the beam at far distances. Secondary impact damage can also be caused by plasma weapons.

What are Directed Energy Weapons and How Do They Work?