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Technology: Threats and Challenges

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The rise of fake information, hate speech and human rights are all part of the technology-related threats. Technology has affected the world and changed relationships between states. Invading technologies have presented societal risks to the West in the recent years.

New technologies have also disrupted traditional ways of working and led to new industries, new jobs and new exposures. These changes can be harmful to workers. They could experience anxiety and job losses, and might find their work in the "gig” economy. It is difficult to predict the exact extent of job losses.

Cyberattacks, cyber warfare and hate speech are just a few of the many threats posed by technology. Increasingly, governments are seeking to protect their citizens from online surveillance and manipulation of data. Many states have yet to develop a cybersecurity framework.

Technological job displacement is the process in which technology replaces a worker’s job. This could happen through automation, digitization, or robotics. Technological job displacement is also a major threat to the safety of workers, because it can lead to anxiety and a decline in situational awareness. This can affect a worker's health, and may even lead to suicide or alcohol abuse.

Workers face a risk from artificial intelligence's rise, as it could alter their critical abilities. It will increase the likelihood of human error as well as the loss of situational consciousness. Recent research revealed that cyberattacks were increasing targeting employees who work remotely. Terrorists can avoid detection by using encryption-enabled smartphones.

The Arab world is sometimes viewed as a hotspot for terrorism. According to reports, security threats have increased in the region over the past seven years due to new intrusive technology. Some attacks are launched by states, while others are launched via users. States are also major financiers for extremist groups.

Technology has also contributed to the rise in radicalism. While some countries still rely on traditional weapons of defense, others have turned to technology to combat viruses, destabilize nations, and disrupt political processes. A hacker called MCO shut down Malaysia's courts. Sarawak, an additional state, implemented a system of digital surveillance.

The rise in artificial intelligence opens up new opportunities for technology. It can lead to advances in health management as well speech recognition, image recognition and recommendation systems on ecommerce websites. These technologies may allow workers to automate some tasks. However, the full extent of their benefits and potential negative effects is not yet known.

Technology-related hazards and new exposures are another threat. Aside from the risk of human error, technology has created new exposures, such as the threat of fake news, hate speech and violence. The internet can be used to connect social groups. It can also help first-time voters.

Technology offers both opportunities for global stability and a threat that could jeopardize democracy. Experts disagree that technology can be used to justify political repression. Technology can actually be used to create an open society.

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Technology: Threats and Challenges